The Poland Customer Ordered the Aluminum Foil Coated Fiberglass Tape 3000 KGS From Tenglong China Thanks For Customer Order

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The Poland Customer Ordered the Aluminum Foil Coated Fiberglass Tape 3000 KGS From Tenglong China Thanks For Customer Order


Klient z Polski zamówił taśmę z włókna szklanego powleczoną folią aluminiową 3000 KGS z Tenglong China Dziękujemy za zamówienie klienta




Aluminum Foil Coated Fiberglass Tape reflect up to 95% of heat, with no organic flame contribution and provides a tough, impermeable, heat reflective coating that allows the fiberglass fabric to be used in a variety of demanding applications.

Aluminum Foil Coated Fiberglass Tape is specifically designed for fabric used for pipe wrapping and engine exhaust pipes.


Aluminum Foil Coated Fiberglass Tape has many Features:

High electrical insulation properties,

Excellent dimensional stability,

High tensile strength & deformation-resistance,

Excellent self-adhesive performance.







Size: 3MMX25MMX30M


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