The Poland Customer Ordered the Ceramic Fiber Paper 3000 KGS From Tenglong China Thanks For Customer Order

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The Poland Customer Ordered the Ceramic Fiber Paper 3000 KGS From Tenglong China Thanks For Customer Order



Klient z Polski zamówił papier z włóknem ceramicznym 3000 KGS z Tenglong China Dziękujemy za zamówienie klienta




Ceramic Fiber Paper is featured with high temperature resistance and heat insulation and high  antimelt capability, very low thermal conductivity, chemical corrosion resistance and thermal shock stability.

So the paper can be widely used in building, glass industry for teeming pads separation. It provides maximum heat resistance and thermal insulation in limited space.

Ceramic Fiber Paper is mainly applied to: industrial furnace, Heat treatment, High temperature pipe and isulating materials of boiler, turbine and nuclear power.


         Size: 1220MM X 1MM X40M X1000KGS

      1220MM X 3MM X20M X1000KGS

      1220MM X 5MM X10M X1000KGS

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